Fly Fishers International > Get Involved > Fly Tying Group > Already a FTG Member? > FTG Board of Governors > Carl Ronk
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Carl Ronk



I was introduced to fly fishing by a friend from school, in 1952. I was 11 at the time. Within the year my buddy had me at his vise learning to tie flies. My first flies, well they caught bluegill. I was hooked on fly fishing and tying my own flies.

It wasn't before I was selling my flies to the local sporting goods stores. In those days there weren't a lot of the tools available so we made our owen tools.

Many years later I became involved with Lotus Imports, working as a salesmen. They imported fly tying tools. It wasn't long before I was designing tools. The company was bought and we changed the name to Terra Fly Tools. I was made CEO and continued to design tools for fly tying.

At the same time I became a licensed fly fishing guide in the eastern side of the high sierras in California. In 2000 I was invited to be a demonstration fly tier at a show in northern California. I have been demonstrating ever since in the western states.

I am a Life member of the Federation of Fly Fishers. I make it a point to support the Federation of fly Fishers any way I can. Currently I am on the pro staff of Nor-Vise and Jay Fair/Tie Fast.

Carl Ronk