Fly Fishers International > Get Involved > Fly Tying Group > Already a FTG Member? > FTG Board of Governors > David E Roberts
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David E Roberts

 David E Roberts

Dave’s election to the Board of Governors was announced at the 2012 Annual meeting held in Spokane, Washington

Dave has provided us with the biographical information seen below. It should also be noted that his delightful sense of humor and easy going manner make it easy to say that Dave is a really nice guy. He is fun to be with and is more than willing to share with others. Additionally, it should be noted that Dave’s tying is very much directed toward tricking the fish.

“I started tying in 1953, learning from my Irish grandfather… He believed you master one step at a time: tails, wings, hackle, etc. I am still learning at every show I attend and every class I teach.

I have been active as an instructor & demo tier for over 45 years. I demo at 6 to 10 FFF shows and 4 to 5 FFF clubs each year. I teach at my club (Southern Oregon Fly Tyers) 4 to 5 times a year. I also have a tying school where I teach all winter.

I enjoy teaching basic classes to get folks started on the right path. I think every instructor should be able to tie a whip finish by hand, both right & left. Yes, I use a whip finish tool also. I also like to do classes doing bugs from top to bottom, i.e. nymphs, emerger, cripples, dun, spinner, simple soft hackles and married wing wets.

I am Lifetime member FFF; Fly Tyers group FFF; Southern Oregon Fly Tyers; Northwest Atlantic Salmon Guild; United Fly Tyers; Fly Dresser's Guild UK and N.Ireland; Catskill Fly Tyers Guild; Rogue Flyfishers Club.”